
I am Ben Connolly

Voice Actor Author Streamer

Ben Connolly Portrait 2022

Who am I?

Ben Connolly

Voice Actor | Author | Streamer

Hi, my name is Ben Connolly and I have always loved mimicking voices, accents and characters for as long as I can remember.

Over the past few years I have been developing my skills as a voice actor and working on projects such as the Sky Temple Cellese as Varg and Lincoln in the 2022 Bus Stop Films animation Joie.

In my spare time I take on the many different roles that a Dungeon Master must while playing Dungeons and Dragons which as led to many laughs, tears and many memorable moments.

In addition to voice acting, I have self-published my debut Young Adult Fantasy Novel “Fate Market” in 2023 which is available to order as both an ebook and paper back.

Previous Work

Joie (2023)

Lincoln: Character voice 

Sky Temple Cellese

Varg, Citizen 1, Bandit 1: Character voice 

The Series of Mana

Dwarven background character voice

Fate Market

by Ben Connolly

Now Available on Kindle Unlimited and Paperback

The man with two faces laughed. “No need to be nervous, Just need to be careful.”

After going on a date with a strange girl from out of town, Jack Adams, a young man living a boring life running a bar inherited from his father, is whisked away to a hidden market place filled with magic and wonder. Where anything can be traded, including your own fate.

After an unfortunate chain of event, Jack finds himself trapped, unable to return to his own world.

In this secret world teeming with mythical creatures, figures of legend and Gods of old, Jack must find a way to reclaim control of his fate in order to get back to his family and friends or be trapped forever in the Fate Market.

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